My client has “hiring skill.”
The difference between “hiring” and “hiring skill” is as follows:
“Hiring” is when you get lucky and say, “We got a great person this year!”
“Hiring skill” involves setting a goal,
such as “This is the kind of person we want in our company.
We want to maintain and, if possible, increase the chances of hiring such people every year.”
To achieve this goal, daily activities are carried out from the ground level to the management level.
The result of these efforts is what we call “hiring skill.”
Due to confidentiality, I can only say this much, but if “hiring” is like a gust of wind or leaving things to luck, then “hiring skill” is built from the ground up.
The difference between “sales” and “sales skill” is similar.
It becomes “skill” when there is a foundational strength and system to sustain it.
In today’s world, freelancers (including musicians and artists) need “audience-gathering skill.”
Fifteen years ago, when social media was still relatively quiet, just tossing a ball on social media could bring people to your live event.
However, in the current environment filled with advertising noise (Facebook is practically all ads now!), you can’t expect the same effect.
Returning to the definition of “skill” being based on foundational strength and systems for sustainability, do we have the foundational strength and systems for audience gathering?
JOYWOW has been focusing on this area consistently for 25 years since its founding.
Now, there’s a musician we’re supporting, and gathering an audience for them is easy.
But is that enough?
The Economist’s article on the Olympics is interesting.

The Economist, July 25th, 2024
According to the article, there are significant changes on both sides of sports content—the providers and the consumers.
On the provider side, the shift is from “cable to streaming.”
Thanks to the pandemic, streaming services like Netflix have become mainstream.
For example, 40% of the content on American household TVs is streaming.
Sports had been the stronghold of cable, with ESPN as a prime example.
However, ESPN is owned by Disney, and starting next year, all sports broadcasts will be viewable on Disney.
On the consumer side, the shift is from “supporting the team as a whole” to “supporting individual athletes.”
In the Olympics, it’s common to support your national team, but now, thanks to Instagram, the trend is towards supporting individual athletes rather than the team as a whole.
In other words, while teams used to attract audiences, “individual athletes now bear the responsibility of attracting audiences.”
Athletes ideally want to spend 100% of their time, energy, and resources on improving their skills, building their physical strength, and tuning their mental state.
However, that’s not the reality in today’s world.
In the world of professional sports, money flows in, and the distribution of that money is proportional to one’s audience-gathering skill.
1st: Football (Soccer)
2nd: American Football
3rd: Basketball
4th: Baseball
Thus, freelancers (including musicians and artists) should develop their audience-gathering skill.
Maybe JOYWOW should hold a practical study session on this.